Multi-Unit Analytics Platform

“We have ample amounts of data, what we need is a quick and easy way to distill for insights that can be deployed to our in-store employees.”

Free 30-day Demo
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Minimal Setup
Read receipts on phone and tablet
0ver 500 team members use weekly

Out of box - Metric Packages

Real-time track, forecast, and broadcast standard KPIs

Sales To Labor Ratio

Expecting a drive thru rush at 3pm? Turn on auto recommender to nudge shifting talent to the window.
Replace email and slack and groupme with PushKin

Increase Sales

Track sales of limited time offers and drive teams to hit daily goals with upsale nudging before and during shifts.

Increase Productivity

Get feedback from team members during shifts to create daily shift notes for better future projections.

Proactive engagement with LLM and push notifications

"Hey Sarah,great job upselling the Peach Smoothie!  Please share what strategy worked.

Get store level insights that can be shared with others.

Aggregate insights for automated shift notes saving teams time and increasing accuracy.

Employee Engagement

Case Studies

PushKin boosts your analytic investments

Today it takes multiple emails, presentations and phone calls to align the team.
Tomorrow push directly via PushKin saving time and quickly driving productivity!

15-min demo

No pressure - Q&A sesson

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